#1 - Reading comprehension and ability answer a question using a computer

#2 - Loyalty during suppresion of choise and willingness not to tamper with html forms
Will you be investing in our competitor?

#3 - Honesty and court admissable blackmail

#4 - Reverse robot test

#5 - Bridge burning
You cannot re-open this door should you choose to close it.

#6 - Divine superstition
Prayer button:

#7 - Meticulosity
Which ages have you been? (check all that apply)

#8 - Research and approximation
What is your range of hearing?
0 Hz - 100000 Hz

#9 - Colour vision deficiency or lack thereof
Make a rainbow:

#10 - Observe and conform (harmony potential)
Fit in with this live chat the best way you see fit:
ADSydvd: byudffVUYVuSYvfsusv

#11 - Dedication
What brand of vehicle do you own? (if multiple select most used)

#12 - ...
Situate the map to the approximate area(s) of disposal: (encapsulate all if multiple)

#13 - Reasoning
Where is your primary offshore account located?

#14 - Priority
Which 4 digit pin are you most familiar with?

#15 - Experience
Which type of electronic mail do you prefer:

#16 - Unquestioned reality
At what point does Baphomet appear for you in the following video:

#17 - Filing
Order this list from most influential to least influential by dragging:

More influential
Deut. 28:53
Saturn Devouring His Son
MeSH D001769
TA98 A12.0.00.009
TA2 3892
FMA 9670
February 14, 1929
Less influential

#18 - ?
1 2 3 4 5

#19 -
Webmaster must oblige our ransom for this question to be reinstated.

Give us any feedback you may have for improving the form: