Get OFF of the long and boring road to redemption TODAY!
Written ✍️ by an EXPERT 🤓 who was NOT convicted 🚫 of killing 🔪 a family of four 👨👩👦👧 after his car 🚗 CRASHED 💥 through their living room wall 🏠 where they were all gathered 👨👩👧👦 on Christmas day 🎅
From our dedicated readers:
"The only light at the end of this life (sentence) long tunnel was this book."
"The matrix we live in is designed to punish you for every little mistake, even if it happened over a decade ago when you were only in your mid-30s. Let it go already!"
"Good bathroom read."

PUBLISHER DISCLAIMER: The author Matt Close is hereby a "sovereign citizen" belonging to a "foreign state"; He "doesn't agree" with you suing him. Suing us won't work either because we're an LLC that doesn't exist by the time you're reading this. DO NOT ATTEMPT.
© Matt Close 2024
© Matt Close 2024